Crushing machine, non-domestic, of general use, not designed or particular goods or industries 非家用压碎机,通用型,并非特定产品或特定工业专用
Combination slime crushing and sliming machine 肠粘膜挤刮及清洗联合机
It is introduced a kind of thermophilic aerobic composting pretreatment process flow used in municipal sewage sludge treatment and the structural parameters of a sludge mixing and crushing machine. 介绍一种城市污水厂污泥好氧堆肥预处理阶段的污泥混合破碎工艺流程和污泥混合破碎机的结构参数。
The new high efficiency crushing machine is specially suitable for precrushing the diamond powder cake before purification. 该机特别适用于人造金刚石工业生产中对粉末合成块提纯前的高效预先碎解。
Grape crushing machine, agricultural or industrial 葡萄粉碎机,农业用或工业用
Crushing machine for earth stone ores or other mineral substances in solid form 轧碎机器,用于固体泥土,石料,矿石或其它矿物
To Plan, design and manufacture plastic crushing machine, rubber oil pressure crushing machine, shredder, grinding, mill and relative wholly equipments. 塑胶粉碎机、胶布油压轧切机、磨粉机等相关整厂设备之规划,设计制造。
Crushing machine for preparing grain as fodder 把粮食制成饲料用的粉碎机
The crushing machine is tested on some thermoplastic materials, such as LDPE, HDPE, PVC and EVA, and the experiment results are given. 列举了用该粉碎机粉碎低密度聚乙烯、高密度聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯、乙烯-醋酸乙烯等热塑性材料的试验结果;
Our main products are: various types of general type, increase the type and vacuum Kneader type, high-speed kneading machine, crushing machine. 公司主要产品有:各类普通型、加重型及真空型捏合机、高速捏合机、破碎机。
The paper present the structure, control principles and operating results of power control system by analysing 84 inches liquid-pressure taper crushing machine. 现以84英寸液压圆锥破碎机的功率控制系统为例,较全面介绍该系统的构成、控制原理、以及实际运行效果。
By changing various bit texture parameters of tooth shape, tooth pitch distances of movable bearings etc and making a lot of tests with composite rock crushing experimental machine, the very available and reasonable parameters are provided for designing new type bits of drilling Permian in Sichuan. 文章通过变各种齿形、齿矩、移轴距等各种钻头结构参数,在复合破岩试验机上进行了大量的试验,为设计对付二叠系岩石的新型钻头提供了一些非常有用的合理参数。
Experimental Study on a Small Type of Apricot Core Crushing Machine 小型杏核破壳机的试验研究
The research work was done by combining nanometer crushing machine with the traditional cell disruption method. 采用纳米对撞机与细胞的传统破碎方法相结合,对啤酒酵母进行破壁处理,并对所制取的抽提物进行了研究。
Normal temperature crush is the most choosing way for waste plastic crush at present market, where the multi assembly plastic crushing machine is a special temperature crushing machine, this has many advantages, that is a new equipment in the future market. 常温粉碎是目前市场上最受欢迎的废塑胶粉碎方式,多功能组合式塑胶粉碎机是一种颇具特色的常温粉碎机,它具有诸多的优点,是一种很有市场前景的新装备。
The factors of influencing performance and use of crushing-dividing machine 影响破碎缩分机性能与使用的因素分析
Taper crushing machine is the major crushing machinery in dressing plant, constant power's control is one of the most efficient way of increasing crushing capacity of crushing machine. 圆锥破碎机是选矿厂重要的中细碎机械,采用恒功率控制是提高破碎机破碎效率的最有效的途径之一。
Study on technology of laser cladding on high speed impact crushing machine 高速冲磨设备激光熔敷强化工艺的研究
This article introduces the CTC red ( green) broken tea processing essential link-technology of the CTC rubbing and crushing machine ′ s segment and importance to tea processing. 本文介绍了CTC红(绿)碎茶加工关键环节&CTC滚切机的齿辊技术及对茶叶加工的重要性。
According to the introduction book of crushing mill, the weight of crushing mill base should be 8~ 10 times machine weight. 根据鄂式破碎机的产品说明书,其钢筋混凝土基础配重应该为机器质量的8~10倍。
Manufacture and application of nanometer grade microorganism cell crushing machine 纳米级微生物细胞破碎机研制及应用
Result of vibrating isolation efficiency of crushing machine based on random vibration indicate that this method is more accurate than general method to evaluate efficiency of vibrating isolation to crushing machine. 计算结果表明,基于随机激励的破碎机隔振效率计算比传统的隔振效率计算更接近实测结果,因此也更精确。
The initial crushing angle α of the machine, the parameters of the upper and lower crushing roller radius and the movement process of the sugar cane crushing machine were also analyzed and discussed; 对甘蔗挤压榨汁的起压角α及上下压辊半径等主要参数、甘蔗榨汁的运动过程进行了分析与讨论;
Development of A New Type Crushing Machine Suitable for Diamond Powder Synthesizing Cake 新型人造金刚石粉末合成块破碎机的研究开发
This paper introduced the working principle, structure, technique parameter, operation method, crushing effect and the application of nanometer grade microorganism cell crushing machine in soy sauce production. 对纳米级微生物细胞破碎机及其在酱油生产中的应用研究,对该机工作原理、结构、技术参数、操作方法、破碎效果及其在酱油生产中的应用作了介绍。
The mainstream technique of waste PCB treatment is physical mechanics method. However, the abrasion of the crushing machine during the smash procedure limits its application. The low level of metal dissociation degree is also a problem. 当前废线路板的主流处理技术是机械物理法,但机械物理法在破碎过程中存在破碎设备磨损严重,金属解离度低等限制因素。
Crusher, as one of main crushing machine in crushing engineering, has been pain more and more attention by studying 、 designing department and using enterprises. 破碎机作为破碎工程中的主要设备,也已经越来越多的引起国内有关研究设计单位、使用单位及各行业破碎专家的重视。
Jaw crusher is a ideal crushing machine, now widely used in mining, building materials, chemical and metallurgical industries, it has advantages that its structure is simple, reliable and adaptable through working. 颚式破碎机是理想的粉碎机械,目前广泛的应用在矿山、建材、化工和冶金等行业中,优点是结构较为简单、工作可靠且适应性强。
Crushing roller is a straw chopping stubble-breaking machine critical core component of a joint operation, with simple structure, the advantages of good straw chopping effects. 粉碎辊是秸秆粉碎破茬联合作业机关键核心部件,具有结构简单,秸秆粉碎效果较好等优点。